Do you have surplus funds within your company?

Let your money work for you – create a term deposit agreement!

What are the benefits of entering a term deposit agreement with “SME Bank”?

  • Upon signing the deposit agreement, you will gain immediate access to a new revenue stream, eliminating the need to pay interest on idle funds in your business account.
  • Ensured security of your funds.
  • Enter the agreement fully remotely.

For more information on deposit insurance press here.


From 1 to 36 months.


From 1,000 EUR to 1,000,000 EUR




SME Bank’s operations are supported by the Bank of Lithuania;


Conveniently sign the term deposit agreement remotely, guaranteeing a quick and simple process. Access the general terms and conditions of the agreement here.


Term 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 9 mo. 12 mo. 18 mo. 24 mo. 36 mo.
Annual interest rate 0,5% 2,5% 3,0% 3,0% 3,0% 3,0% 2,5% 2,5%